

October 19, 2017

From time to time you might experience problems with the service. The tips below may help you get things going again without further intervention, but if not, please contact

Restarting your Server

Restarting your server can clear up a number of issues. If you see any of the following messages, please try restarting your server.

  • 500 internal server error, permissi9n failure checking authorization, I may need a new token

To restart your server, click on the Control panel button at the top right of the notebook. This should display a page with a red “Stop My Server” button. A few seconds after clicking the button, the red button should turn green and say “My Server”, click it again and you server should begin starting up again. It can take around 30 seconds for your server to restart.

Broken Configuration Files

Jupyter (and Python, and Julia …) store configuration files in your home directory, and from time to time these configuration files can become broken. The simplest fix for this is to simply delete the configuration files and revert back to the default configuration. In most cases the files are stored in hidden directories (e.g. .local), and the trick is just knowing where they are, here are some common ones

  • ~/.jupyter - Jupyter Notebook configuration file
  • ~/.local - Locally installed python packages (pip install --user XXXX)
  • ~/.julia - Julia packages and configuration files.
  • ~/R - R packages and configuration files.

These files are unrecoverable once deleted

If you have determined that files in one or more of these locations is causing a problem for you, you can delete them using the UNIX rm command. From inside a notebook you can do e.g.

!rm ~/.jupyter/

Or from the terminal

rm ~/.jupyter/

Changes to the notebook configuration will only take effect once you restart your server (see above).

Out of Storage

The current default storage allocation for users is 1GB. If you find that you are getting out of storage messages or are unable to save files, you may have reached the quota. To recover from this, please email with your username and the name of the server you are using.

Missing Output

The notebook uses a tool called nbconvert to create PDF (and other) versions of notebooks you have created for export. On some syzygy hosts when you run the export, you will find that the output cells from your code are missing and you can only see the input cells. This is because a pre_save hook is being used on that server to scrub output before saving (or exporting) notebooks. The reason for this is that it makes using git with notebooks much simpler. If you decide that you would like to keep the output cells in your notebook when saving, you can overrride this default by creating or modifying the ~/.jupyter/ in your home directory.

From inside a python 3 notebook you could do

!mkdir -p ~/.jupyter
!echo "c.FileContentsManager.pre_save_hook = None" > ~/.jupyter/

The current pre_save hook looks like

def scrub_output_pre_save(model, **kwargs):
    """scrub output before saving notebooks"""
    # only run on notebooks
    if model['type'] != 'notebook':
    # only run on nbformat v4
    if model['content']['nbformat'] != 4:

    for cell in model['content']['cells']:
        if cell['cell_type'] != 'code':
        cell['outputs'] = []
        cell['execution_count'] = None

c.FileContentsManager.pre_save_hook = scrub_output_pre_save

if you decide that you would like to scrub the output instead.